Today is only yesterday's tomorrow
Yeah, don't be shocked, I'm OK. Thinking in English for a while. This is an exiting way of expressing myself - and my head and my heart are happy, because "Sherlock BBC" did it. For the last few days I had been wandering around like a cheerful ghost, English-minded and totally sherlocked. I believe, I understand the girl-fans of the series: Mr Benedict Cumberbatch is gorgeous. And he wears... Jesus. Read it here. And... you know. Not only sad lovely ginger face can arouse me: there's a typical - marvelous indeed - situation that can please me very much.

Read more: WARNING! Spoilers. Loads of them.

@темы: история, любовь, жизнь в прогрессии, Смилет, Sherlock BBC, фильмы