Read more: WARNING! Spoilers. Loads of them.We meet John Watson. Just back from serving. He is miserable, lonely and terrifying – because of his war-deserted eyes. And his really scary voice. He needs to be held, obviously! He won’t. But the things will be worked out in a brilliant way!

We meet Sherlock. The new, youthful, extremely bad-tempered, unmannerly Sherlock, who is whipping a corp in a morgue as an experiment. Experiment-adoring guy. Quick-minded is really unsuitable word. He is rocket-minded! And all of his brilliant conclusions... are clear to the audience quite soon. He explains them himself. Why saying, why? I mean, for a huge effect won’t it be better to hide all that Sherlock thinks and analyses as details and to show the audience only the amazing results? No, probably not. Sherlock is a fob, there’s no greater one; this is what the scriptwriters were going to tell us. He would tell everybody the succession of reasoning and the way he does it – that young, charming, totally intolerable Sherlock. He needs it, he lives on it. That’s how he has air. Are we seeing the matches? Of course. He is dreadfully lonely too.

Afghanistan or Iraq. Of course, Afghanistan or Iraq – that’s our time, we all know too well what these two places mean. So it was for that John Watson, that me, who researched Sherlock Holmes in ACD short stories, - that was the Afghanistan of his age. Now, how does Sherlock discover the drinking brother (oh no, that was sister!) of John? Just how it was written: there are faceless things, which everybody has the same. Oh, for example… the mobile phone! Not the watch with golden chain. But a mobile phone has to be charged – just as a watch has to be winded up. There were too many scratches around the hall… The existence of the engraving is untouched. It both differences and stays the same – a charming feature of the series.

Yes, there’s a new world! What does Mrs. Hudson say about two bedrooms? There is a married couple next door. Now no one can share the flat with the other person of his sex without warring about his reputation. John is obviously not in the right mood to speak about such kind of things – certainly not for bearing a strange annoying person with no feeling of tact who’s going to be his flat mate. But he simply gets exited. He is loves denying, but the fact stays the same: he needs more and more rushing into danger. What happens when the pursuit of the criminal is on? John runs after Sherlock living his stick behind!
Mycroft can do anything – really anything. Except one – he has never been able to get on with his only brother. Sherlock is the one who is loved and concerned about – but nothing in common is there in his mind. Mycroft is an enemy forever – that state is the only one that Sherlock agrees to admit. For God sake, do something, hold him with John immediately!
Remember some reviews on Кинопоиск, which authors with godly ire in their fingers wrote about endless disgusting hint at certain kind of relationships between those two who live on Baker Street together. Dear friends, you’re conservative pigheads! You remember them all, don’t you. How do you think, what kind of hints are they? Behavioral? No, no! They are verbal. All behavioral stuff is a completely, completely different thing.
Mycroft is under stereotypes. Asking John what connects him with Sherlock Holmes he means this and nothing else. But what is he doing, good Lord! He’s offering a huge amount of money for looking after his brother! Ho would take such a crazy and dangerous challenge! It’s a suicide! Even his boyfriend and lover wouldn't agree to do that.
John would.
But Mycroft is an extremely suspicious figure – while Sherlock is not any more. Sherlock – annoying, freak and unbelievably clever Sherlock is the one, but John still doesn't know it. The trusting problems from his psychotherapist’s list disappear at once as long as he meets Sherlock Holmes. John fells: this is actually what he needs. The battlefield on a new type – with a companion beside him now. John likes him. He is astonishing, moreover – he is… No doubt: there will be lots of headache while accompanying him. And he uses crime as his own, personal drug.
John refuses. Of course, he is loyal – he will be loyal forever.

Everybody around them two is under the same stereotype. The café man Angelo makes John drill: “I’m not his date!” – as puts a candle on the table between them. Loads of suspects, rumours, dirty questions surround them, and the exact obvious answer to them all would be – “yes”, wouldn't it? No ways.
Why should it be called? There’s Sherlock! You won’t be sure what’s there on that side of his fabulous grey-blue eyes. I know only this: during the boyfriend-girlfriend talk in the café they started rushing about after John said Sherlock was unattached just as he himself. He was confused, he spoke too fast (not alike his deductive speeches at all), he didn't want to offend – Sherlock, the one who laughs at lots of girls mad with him! He is in that feeling too, he doesn't want to break it. So after all kinds of attempts denying he says: “Thanks”. The things are coming to the order.

When Sherlock gets deviated with that Irene Adler, there's me not Spilett getting angry and jealous. It can't be, there's John, and only John can be your the one, the whole love logic stays it! I rush into the willing to protect «the holding element» of the couple. Spilett - and John - would forgive, and smile, and care for him - but I won't stand still, I will be driven mad. But - you know what - that awful lewd stinker (she betrayed Sherlock and he forgave her) was the only one able to think out of cliches. So she asks John, "Jealous?" - and after John's usual (but very confused this time) denyings like I'm not gay, I'm not his date, we're not a couple she objects, "Yes, you are".

So perhaps I'm glad Sherlock saved Irene. This means he actually won (this is the result he cares about), this means Sherlock got himself free. And - God, please - I'd be very happy, if once returned Sherlock told John she wasn't dead.
Now Moriarty. No, he is not a lovely, funny, wondrous little boy! I really fell no sympathy with him. He is a wicked insane monster, he is the one who got Sherlock killed. Originally Holmes destroyed all of Moriarty's life, broke all his plans and finally bit him - and series brings us a heart-breaking story of the criminal who made Sherlock fall. There was a moment... And for the entire second Moriarty was feeling: he met a great man, he is not ordinary, they are very alike. This man is valuable, even dear. But after the second passes!.. Oh God. He couldn't bare it. He missed something, he lost the round - Sherlock is higher. He won't let Sherlock stand as a winner! So he put the gun into his mouth and shot himself.

He didn't let Sherlock away for good. He made him, saving his friends, come to the edge of the roof and jump down.
I believe in them both, I believe in their cosy and delightful relationships. Sherlock and John - these are the ones made for each other, not kinda elite prostitute mad about Sherlock and he himself. The was a completely right thought in fans' discussions: she has never tried to live with Sherlock along. John did tried - and he lived, and he survived, and he was happy about it!
John doesn't understand his great attachment completely. The biggest scene Hold-Him-With-John faded without any embraces! Sherlock is scared, lost and enraged as a real kid, John is offended - and his real ability to cope with Sherlock's dreadful tricks stays unused. It's a tragedy he doesn't see - because the things he saw, the things made him see were terrible.

He will always believe in Sherlock, he will always be there - the most sherlocked man in the world, because Sherlock is the part of himself.
Sherlock will be back! And stricken heavily. And held at last. And loved even more deeply than used to be!
Waiting for Third Season. Thank you.

@темы: история, любовь, жизнь в прогрессии, Смилет, Sherlock BBC, фильмы